Making shoes from squirrel hides
Transcript of letter written by Private Jeremiah Strickland to his sister-in-law
Summary of Ichabod Quinn letters
Transcript of a transcript of a letter from Willis Holland to his sister
Letter from Samuel Guy to Governor Vance
Letter from G. P. FormyDuval to Governor Vance
Visiting Somerset Place Plantation
Letter from Gen. Clingman to a Raleigh newspaper in March 1864
Letter from William H. Grady written from Chimborazo Hospital in May 1864
A tongue-in-cheek complaint about the poor quality of uniforms
The Officers of the 51st North Carolina
Structure of a Regimental Battle Line
Visit to Goldsboro Bridge Battlefield
Chaos in Command: a little bit more information about the confusion filling the field officer ranks in early 1863
Difference Between Second and Third Lieutenant
General Clingman report to Governor Vance
The court-martial of Dugald Hammonds, part 1 of 5
The court-martial of Dugald Hammonds, part 2 of 5
The court-martial of Dugald Hammonds, part 3 of 5
The court-martial of Dugald Hammonds, part 4 of 5
The court-martial of Dugald Hammonds, part 5 of 5
The 31st North Carolina with help from the Fifty-First, riot for better rations.
Summary of 8/31/1863 inspection report on the 51st North Carolina
Lt. Guy gets arrested for going to dinner while in charge of the guard detail at Wappoo Cut
Private Atwood’s arrest and subsequent release
How tall were the Fifty-First’s soldiers?
John G. Hall application for transfer to the Invalid Corps
Henry C Rockwell, letter concerning Private John G Hall
John G. Hall, letter from Cold Harbor
John G. Hall, letter from Drewry’s Bluff
If at First You Don’t Succeed…(Payton Mathis Tries to Get a Pension)
Equipping and Clothing the New Recruits
A Requisition for One Week’s Food for the 51st North Carolina
Private Alman Jackson Remembers the War
The 51st North Carolina Receives a Shipment of Enfield Rifles
Colonel McKethan’s Dispatches at Charleston in July 1863
Feud Between Hector McKethan and William Allen, Part 3: The New Field Officers
Feud Between Hector McKethan and William Allen, Part 2: Allen Resigns
Feud Between Hector McKethan and William Allen, Part 1: Cantwell Resigns
The Curious Case of Lewis Smith
Petition to Appoint Colin Shaw as Chaplain
Example of a Confederate Pay Voucher
New Information from the Anchram Evans Letters
The John J. Wilson Letters: A Summary
Boys in Battle: the 51st Regiment’s 14-year-old soldiers
John Kelly’s Many Siblings: Kelly and his 19 step and half-siblings
Dr. James Wellons: 51st veteran and Four Oaks’ first doctor
Lt. Col. William Allen: a short bio
Swift Creek: what really happened on the night of May 9, 1864
The Big Fizzle: Beast Butler’s unique plan to blow up Fort Fisher
Wilmington’s Civil War Hospitals
Private William Brewer: reported killed twice but survived the war
The Order Was Given to Forward: a soldier’s account of the regiment’s activity in May 1864
Katherine Theodosia Cantwell: four women with the same name
The Surgeon vs. the General: Surgeon Morrisey and General Clingman exchange acrimonious letters
Private Joel P. Atwood: a brave boy and soldier
Miss Mary Ann Buie: one of North Carolina troops’ biggest benefactors
Mary Eliza Mincey: the last widow to draw a pension
Sergeant Samson Hawley: an account of Hawley’s death
Feuding Among the Officers: how Major McKethan assumed command of the 51st North Carolina
Introduction #1 and Introduction #2: how this website came to be
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