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This page contains files that can be either read online or downloaded for personal use. I discovered and downloaded the documents during my research for The Honor of the State. To the best of my knowledge all of the books are in the public domain. The spreadsheet created by Robert Cooke is not. The muster rolls and Wilson letter transcripts are copyright 2023 by Kirk Ward.

51st North Carolina Monthly Officer Availability, April 1862 to December 1864

Company A, 51st Regiment NCT Muster Roll, May 1862

The file below contains any spelling errors that appear in the original document. Several blank columns have been omitted. The muster roll is housed in the North Carolina State Archives, Original Civil War Collection, Box 44, Folder 20.

WWRR Guards Muster Rolls

In December 1861, John Cantwell organized an independent infantry company dubbed Cantwell’s Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Guards. The company was organized “[f]or protecting the bridges from Weldon to the South Carolina line on the Wilmington & Weldon [and] Wilmington & Manchester Rail Roads including the Bridge over the Roanoke River at Weldon.” The unit was mustered into service on January 20, 1862. The original records are stored in the North Carolina State Archives, Original Civil War Collection, Box 45.

Dec 1861 to Jan 1862

January 20, 1862: Muster-In to State Service

January 20, 1862: Standard Muster Roll

January 25, 1862

January 25 to February 28, 1862

Hardee’s Rifle and Infantry Tactics

Hardee’s book was North Carolina’s primary infantry training manual.

Gilchrist’s Confederate Defence of Morris Island

Major Robert C. Gilchrist wrote a book about Battery Wagner in 1884. Gilchrist served in Manigault’s Battalion of South Carolina Artillery and commanded Battery Gregg in August 1863.

Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States (1862)

Prison Life During the Rebellion

Captain John J. Dunkle served in the 25th Virginia Infantry. He was captured at Spotsylvania in 1864 and became one of the Immortal Six Hundred. In 1869, Dunkle wrote this account of his captivity under the pen name Fritz Fuzzlebug.

Inspection Reports for Clingman’s Brigade

The files below are transcriptions of inspection reports for Clingman’s Brigade on November 26, 1864 and January 2, 1865. These two files are part of a large group of inspection reports that Brett Schulte of Beyond the Crater ( has generously made available to the public.

Inspection Report November 26, 1864

Inspection Report January 2, 1865

Confederate Hospital No. 4 Records

This file was transcribed by Mr. Robert J. Cooke of the Old New Hanover Genealogical Society. Mr. Cooke is also the author of Wild, Wicked, Wartime Wilmington. The Society dissolved at the end of 2018. Their website, where I found this file, went dark shortly after. This is copyrighted information. I was unable to contact Mr. Cooke about posting it, so please respect his copyright.