I have spent the past few weeks refining PFD (Present for Duty) data for the regiment. The results for the officers are below. My apologies for the small size, but I wanted to publish it as one page. You can open it in a new tab to get a better view of the data. I also added the file to the Download Page.
The regiment’s officer ranks included three field officers (colonel, lieutenant colonel and major) and 40 company officers (10 each, captain, first lieutenant, second lieutenant, and third lieutenant). The chart is organized by field, then companies A through K. It’s a confusing chart. Yellow cells represent the month when an officer transitioned out of his position. Red cells indicate that the position was vacant.
October 1864 was the end of a brutal five months of fighting for the Fifty-First. Counting the non-red cells in the chart for that month reveals that one field officer was present (Captain Lippitt, as acting colonel) and only eight company officers. Companies D, E, H, and I had no officers present.
AS: Absent Sick
AW: Absent Wounded
AWOL: Absent Without Leave
D: Dismissed from Service
DP: Dropped from Rolls
DT: Detailed
DW: Died of Wounds
F: Furlough
IV: Retired to Invalid Corps
K: Killed
P: Promoted
R: Resigned
V: Vacant
W: Wounded
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