Private John G. Hall, Company G, 51st Regiment North Carolina Troops, was wounded at Petersburg on July 17, 1864. He was hospitalized in Richmond with a severe gunshot wound in the right shoulder. On August 5, 1864, Hall was sent home from the hospital on a medical furlough. By December, the wound was showing no signs of ever healing properly. Private Hall applied for a Medical Board examination for transfer to the Invalid Corps.
Co. “G,” 51st Regt. N. C. Troops, near Richmond, Va.
Dec. 7th 1864.
Lt. J. A. Evans,
Lieutenant: _
Having been rendered totally unable to perform the duties of a soldier, on account of a gunshot wound rec’d in the right shoulder at Petersburg, Va, on the 17th of June 1864, shattering the bones, and causing several pieces of them to come out, and the wound not being near healed up yet, rendering my right arm almost entirely useless. I now have the honor to apply for permission to appear before one of the Medical Examining Boards established by Law, for the purpose of availing myself of the benefit of an Act of Congress providing for an Invalid Corps.
Very respectfully yours, &c.,
John G. Hall
a Private of Co. “G,” 51st Regt. N. C. T.
John Hall’s company commander, Lieutenant Jacob A. Evans, immediately endorsed the request and sent it up the chain of command:
“Respectfully forwarded approved. I certify that the applicant rec’d his wound at Petersburg, Va., on the 17th June 1864, and has been permanently disabled ever since.”
Hall’s request was quickly endorsed by the Fifty-First’s commander, the brigade and division commanders and corps headquarters. Finally, on December 11, General Lee’s Headquarters of the Army of Northern Virginia approved the request:
“Res. returned appd [respectfully returned approved]. The attention of the Examining Board is called to par. VII, G. O. No. 71, A & I. G. O. 1864. If unfit for duty in this field but capable of performing duty in some department of the service, the Board will specify for what position he is best qualified. If he has heretofore been detached upon any light duty, the Board will state how and where employed, if his services are still desirable in such a position.”
Records of the Medical Board’s examination do not exist. Private Hall was hospitalized in Wilmington for his wound on December 30, 1864. On January 5th, he was discharged from the hospital and “returned to duty.” It is highly unlikely that he returned to the 51st North Carolina.
Click HERE to see images of the original letter.
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