Service Records for Surnames Beginning with A

Ackley, J. R.

COMPANY             Co. A

RANK                    Rank Unk.

BIRTHPLACE           Unreported

RESIDENCE             Sampson Co.

OCCUPATION         Unreported


5/12/1865: paroled at Greensboro


Duplicate record.  See Joseph Rackley (signed pension applications as “J. R. Rackley”)

REFERENCES           2

                                                                     Adams, James C.

COMPANY             Co. I

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Unreported

RESIDENCE             Cumberland Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


4/26/1862: enlisted in Cumberland Co. at age 19

Jul-Oct, 1863: absent sick

Nov/Dec, 1863: returned to duty

5/16/1864: wounded in breast at Drewry’s Bluff (“the ball passed entirely through the right lung”)

10/1/1864: absent sick/wounded through this date; absent without leave afterward


Soldier’s pension application at [110], born 1843; widow’s pension application at [109]; brother of William H., same company

REFERENCES           2, 109, 110

Adams, Joseph

COMPANY             Co. A

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Robeson Co.

RESIDENCE             Robeson Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


5/23/1863: enlisted at Camp Holmes in Wilmington, age 31

7/22/1863: deserted at Sullivan’s Island

Nov, 1863: apprehended

11/29/1863: court-martialed

11/30/1863 to Apr, 1864: absent under arrest

6/1/1864: returned to duty prior to this date; captured at Cold Harbor

6/11/1864: confined at Point Lookout

7/12/1864: transferred to Elmira

7/15/1864: killed in train wreck at Shohola


Born: 1832 [110]

REFERENCES           2, 110, 129

Adams, William H.

COMPANY             Co. I

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Unreported

RESIDENCE             Cumberland Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


10/4/1862: enlisted in Cumberland Co. at age 22

5/20/1864: wounded slightly at Bermuda Hundred

6/17/1864: wounded near Petersburg

Aug, 1864: absent wounded/sick through this month

Sep-Dec, 1864: detached duty as cattle guard

5/1/1865: paroled at Greensboro


Survived the war; born: 1840 [110]; brother of James C., same company

REFERENCES           2, 110, 160

Albertson, Peter H.

COMPANY             Co. C

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Duplin Co.

RESIDENCE             Duplin Co.

OCCUPATION         Grocer


3/3/1862: enlisted in Duplin Co. at age 49

2/12/1863-4/30/1863: absent sick on furlough

Sep/Oct, 1863: detailed as hospital nurse at Charleston

Nov, 1863-Aug, 1864: absent sick

Sep-Dec, 1864: absent without leave


In 1870 census

REFERENCES           2, 110

Alfin, D. J.

COMPANY             Co. F

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Unreported

RESIDENCE             Duplin Co.

OCCUPATION         Unreported


3/10/1864: enlisted at Camp Holmes, Wilmington, age 40

6/16/1864: wounded; died from wounds in Richmond hospital at later date


Duplicate record for Daniel Alphin, Company C of this regiment

REFERENCES           2

Alford, James Bryant

COMPANY             Staff

RANK                    Chaplain

BIRTHPLACE           Wayne Co.

RESIDENCE             Randolph Co.

OCCUPATION         Minister


8/20/1864: appointed Chaplain to rank from 7/20/1864; age 51

1/2/1865: present through this date

5/1/1865: paroled at Greensboro


Methodist Episcopalian minister; DOB: 4/26/1813 [112]; family info at [112]; lived in Columbus County after the war

REFERENCES           1, 2, 112, 187

Allen, John William

COMPANY             Co. I

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Brunswick Co.

RESIDENCE             Unreported

OCCUPATION         Laborer


4/10/1862: enlisted in Cumberland Co. at age 30

12/17/1862: wounded seriously in arm and bowels at Goldsboro

May/Jun, 1863: returned to duty

Jul-Sep, 1863: absent sick

10/21/1863: absent without leave

Nov/Dec, 1863: returned to duty

2/1/1864: absent without leave

Mar/Apr, 1864: dropped from company rolls



REFERENCES           2, 105, 143

Allen, William Anderson

COMPANY             Staff/Co. C

RANK                    Lt Colonel

BIRTHPLACE           Wake Co.

RESIDENCE             Duplin Co.

OCCUPATION         Lawyer


4/15/1861: enlisted in 1st Co. C, 12th Regt. NC Troops in Duplin County at age 35

4/22/1861: appointed 2nd Lt.

11/18/1861: present until company disbanded

2/11/1862: appointed Captain of Company C, 51st Regt. NC Troops

4/30/1862: elected Lt. Col. and transferred to Staff

Oct, 1862: assumed command of regiment upon Col. Cantwell’s resignation

12/13/1862: sat for officer’s examination

12/30/1862: reported intoxicated in camp and using abusive language against Major Hector McKethan; challenged

McKethan to a duel; court-martialed because of incident

1/5/1863: resigned because of imputations against character and rheumatism

1/19/1863: resignation accepted


DOB: 4/29/1825 [112]; middle name ‘Anderson”; major in command of 7th Battalion and 3rd Regt. Home Guards after resigning from the 51st Regiment [159]; member of Masons, St. Johns Lodge #13 in Duplin County; son William R. served on NC Supreme Court and son Oliver was a Superior Court judge.

REFERENCES           1, 2, 8, 70, 112, 159, 193, 194

Alphin, Daniel Joseph

COMPANY             Cos. C and F

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Duplin Co.

RESIDENCE             Duplin Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


3/19/1862: enlisted in Company C in Duplin Co. at age 36

Jul-Oct, 1862: absent sick

12/14/1862: discharged; reason not reported

3/10/1864: reenlisted in 51st NCT at Camp Holmes, Wilmington; carried on rolls of Company C and Company F

6/16/1864: wounded in chest near Petersburg

6/24/1864: died in hospital at Petersburg


“Daniel Joseph Alphin”, born 1824 [110, 127]; son of William Alphin, this company

REFERENCES           2, 110, 112, 127, 128, 139

Alphin, William

COMPANY             Co. C

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Duplin Co.

RESIDENCE             Duplin Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


3/3/1862: enlisted in Duplin Co. at age 60

Jul-Oct, 1862: absent sick

11/3/1862: died in Duplin County

12/14/1862: discharged posthumously due to chronic rheumatism


Father of Daniel, same company (Family Search family tree)

REFERENCES           2, 110, 231

Ammons, Cameron

COMPANY             Co. E

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Unreported

RESIDENCE             Robeson Co.

OCCUPATION         Unreported


5/5/1862: enlisted in New Hanover Co. at age 18

6/15/1862: died in hospital at Wilmington; cause of death not reported


Listed on 1850 census and probate papers at [110]

REFERENCES           2, 110

Ammons, Daniel James

COMPANY             Co. K

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Unreported

RESIDENCE             Cumberland Co.

OCCUPATION         Unreported


7/8/1862: enlisted in Cumberland Co. at age 31

2/8/1863: hospitalized at Confederate Hospital #4 (ward 7) in Wilmington with continuous fever

2/16/1863: hospitalized with fibris gout and fever

May/Jun, 1863: returned to duty

12/28/1864: absent without leave


Survived the war; DOB: 1/11/1830; family info at [108]; tombstone application at [110]

REFERENCES           2, 37, 98, 108, 110

Anderson, Alexander

COMPANY             Co. K

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Unreported

RESIDENCE             Cumberland Co.

OCCUPATION         Unreported


3/4/1863: enlisted in Cumberland Co. at age 24

5/4/1863: admitted to Confederate Hospital #4 (ward 2, bed 28) in Wilmington with neuralgia

May-Aug, 1864: absent sick at home

Sep/Oct, 1864: sick in hospital at Fayetteville

Nov/Dec, 1864: returned to duty

1/18/1865: hospitalized at Raleigh with chronic diarrhea

4/13/1865: captured in hospital at Raleigh

4/22/1865: paroled at Raleigh


Admitted to Soldier’s Home on 5/2/1902, age 63

REFERENCES           2, 98, 109

Anderson, B. F.

COMPANY             Co. I

RANK                    Rank Unk.

BIRTHPLACE           Unreported

RESIDENCE             Unreported

OCCUPATION         Unreported


Pension records indicate he served with this company


Pension application indicates wounded in New Market, VA; served with 51st Virginia

REFERENCES           2, 109

Anderson, William James

COMPANY             Co. I

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Houston Co., GA

RESIDENCE             Cumberland Co.

OCCUPATION         Cabinetmaker


3/29/1862: enlisted in Cumberland Co. at age 28

5/1/1862: listed on company roll

Dec, 1864: present through this month


Pension application in 1902; served as a teamster (ambulance driver) for much of the war

REFERENCES           2, 105, 109, 232

Armstrong, Edward

COMPANY             Co. B

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Sampson Co.

RESIDENCE             Sampson Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


2/18/1862: enlisted in Sampson Co. at age 35

5/4/1863: hospitalized at Confederate Hospital #4 (ward 4, bed 125) in Wilmington for debility

Jul/Aug, 1863: deserted

9/1/1863: caught before this date and placed under arrest at Charleston

11/5/1863: court-martialed

Dec, 1863: under arrest through this month

Jan/Feb, 1864: returned to duty

Dec, 1864: present through this month


Survived the war

REFERENCES           2, 98, 110

Armstrong, John

COMPANY             Co. B

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Sampson Co.

RESIDENCE             Duplin Co.

OCCUPATION         Cooper


2/19/1862: enlisted in Duplin Co. at age 42

9/18/1863: wounded at Charleston

11/1/1863: returned to duty before this date

9/30/1864: captured at Fort Harrison; confined at Point Lookout

12/10/1864: died at Point Lookout from chronic diarrhea


Burial place listed as Faison Cemetery in [155] photo of tombstone in Faison Cemetery at [112]

REFERENCES           2, 26, 111, 112, 155

Arnold, John

COMPANY             Co. G

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Columbus Co.

RESIDENCE             Columbus Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


3/4/1862: enlisted in Columbus Co. at age 45

12/17/1862: wounded slightly at Goldsboro

1/1/1863: returned to duty prior to this date

7/18/1863: wounded in left lung at Battery Wagner

Jan/Feb 1864: returned to duty

6/1/1864: wounded at Cold Harbor

Sep/Oct 1864: returned to duty

Dec 1864: present through this month


Survived the war

REFERENCES           2, 99, 110, 143

Ashley, Andrew Jackson

COMPANY             Co. E

RANK                    Captain

BIRTHPLACE           Alabama

RESIDENCE             Robeson Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


2/28/1862: appointed 3rd Lieutenant, age 28

12/11/1862 promoted to 1st Lieutenant

7/18/1863: received commission as 1st Lieutenant

7/19/1863: presented with a Navy Colt pistol by the men of his company

5/18/1864: promoted to Captain

7/1/1864: wounded in the head near Petersburg; hospitalized at General Hospital #4 in Richmond

8/30/1864: died of wounds.


Biography at [112] date of promotion to 1st Lt. given as 7/18/1863 in [134]; commanding company in June, 1864 as 1st Lt. [185]     

REFERENCES           2, 112, 134, 185, 224

Ashley, James Robeson

COMPANY             Co. E

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Robeson Co.

RESIDENCE             Robeson Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


2/28/1862: enlisted in Robeson Co. at age 32

5/15/1864: wounded in the head at Drewry’s Bluff; hospitalized at Danville, VA and later transferred to hospital at Wilmington

8/6/1864: returned to duty12/28/1864: absent without leave


DOB: 7/1/1829; changed middle name to Robert after moving to Texas ca. 1873; date of wound given as 5/16/1864 in [161]; photo at [112]

REFERENCES           2, 112, 161

Aston, Leander P.

COMPANY             Co. A

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Unreported

RESIDENCE             Guilford Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


5/23/1863: enlisted at Camp Holmes, Wilmington, age 25

6/16/1864: captured at Petersburg

6/19/1864: confined at Point Lookout

7/9/1864: transferred to Elmira

12/3/1864: died at Elmira of pneumonia


Date of death 12/30/1864 in [89]; middle initial “P” [139]

REFERENCES           2, 89, 139

Atkinson, Thomas

COMPANY             Co. A

RANK                    Corporal

BIRTHPLACE           Johnston Co.

RESIDENCE             Johnston Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


1/25/1862: enlisted in Co. D, 13th Battalion NC Infantry in New Hanover County at age 34

4/15/1862: transferred to Company A, 51st Regt. NC Troops as Private

7/18/1863: slightly wounded above right knee at Battery Wagner

9/1/1863: returned to duty before this date

1/1/1864: promoted to Corporal

9/30/1864: wounded in shoulder and captured at Fort Harrison

10/5/1864: confined at Point Lookout

3/19/1865: paroled and exchanged

5/31/1865: took Oath of Allegiance at Raleigh


Pension application in 1904

REFERENCES           2, 8, 109

Atwood, Joel P.

COMPANY             Co. C

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Hartford, CT

RESIDENCE             Duplin Co.

OCCUPATION         Merchant


2/26/1862: enlisted as a Private in Company C in Duplin Co., age17

9/1/1862: promoted to Sgt. Major and transferred to Regimental Staff

2/20/1863: reduced to ranks and transferred back to Company C

Mar/Apr, 1863: reported on detached service with General Clingman’s staff

5/7/1863: admitted to Confederate Hospital #4 (ward 1, bed 90) in Wilmington for acute rheumatism

May/June, 1863: returned to Company C

5/15/1864: killed at Drewry’s Bluff


Middle initial “T” in 1860 census [110] & “P” in death notice [135]; died 5/14/1864 at age 18 [135]; KIA 5/16/1864 in [161]; tribute in [209]

REFERENCES           2, 98, 110, 135, 161, 209

Autry, Duncan

COMPANY             Co. I

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           Cumberland Co.

RESIDENCE             Cumberland Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


4/1/1862: enlisted in Cumberland Co. at age 28

5/20/1864: seriously wounded at Bermuda Hundred

6/15/1864: died in hospital at Petersburg


Widow, Sallie Autry, filed a claim for back pay on 11/7/1864.

REFERENCES           2, 105, 160, 232

Averitt, William

COMPANY             Co. I

RANK                    Private

BIRTHPLACE           North Carolina

RESIDENCE             Cumberland Co.

OCCUPATION         Farmer


7/1/1861: enlisted in Co. F, 24th Regt NC Troops in Cumberland Co. at age 20

7/13 or 8/5, 1862: discharged because of disability

10/4/1862: enlisted in Co. I, 51st Regt NC Troops in Cumberland Co.

1/29/1863: died of pneumonia in hospital at Wilmington


Family info at [108]; obit in “Fayetteville Observer”, 2/9/1863; last name “Everett” in 1860 census; personal effects ($11.70 and a blanket) given to his brother.

REFERENCES           2, 48, 108, 110, 203, 232

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