The 51st North Carolina’s service records contain references to many different diseases. Below is a glossary of the diseases mentioned in the soldiers’ records.
Disease | Description |
Abcessus | Swollen, inflamed area of body (see Carbuncle) |
Acute Diarrhea | Three episodes of diarrhea within 24 hours; can be caused by bacteria or virus |
Ague | Malaria |
Anasarca | Edema (swelling) of the skin |
Anemia | Fatigue and dizziness caused by low red cells |
Anthrax | Bacterial infection of skin, lungs, or intestines |
Apoplexia | Paralysis due to stroke |
Articular Rheumatism | Contraction of muscles; extreme cases can cause a limb to become unusable |
Ascites | Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity |
Asthma | Shortness of breath; can be caused by poor nutrition |
Bilious Colic | Ache in the upper abdomen; usually caused by the gallbladder |
Bilious Fever | Possibly typhoid, malaria, or hepatitis |
Bowel Consumption | Inflammation of the intestines caused by tuberculosis |
Bronchitis | Inflammation of the lung’s airways |
Brain Fever | Meningitis |
Bubo Syphiliticum | Secondary syphilis |
Carbuncle | Also called abscessus; cluster of boils on the skin; caused by bacteria |
Cardialgia | Heartburn |
Catarrhus | Inflammation of mucous membranes |
Coxalgia | Pain in the hip |
Cholera | Contagious disease with severe diarrhea |
Cholera Morbus | Infectious disease with nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and fever |
Chronic Diarrhea | Diarrhea that lasts more than 14 days; usually caused by bacteria or virus |
Congestion of the Bowels | Constipation |
Congestive Fever | Malaria |
Continuous Fever | Typhoid fever, in most cases |
Constipation | Infrequent or irregular bowel movements |
Consumption | Tuberculosis |
Cystitis | Inflammation of the bladder |
Debility | Loss of strength; fatigue; often used to describe dysentery |
Diarrhea | Urgent, frequent, watery bowel movements |
Diphtheria | Contagious disease of the throat |
Dropsy | Edema (swelling), often caused by heart or kidney disease |
Dysentery | Inflammation of the intestines caused by bacteria or parasites |
Dyspepsia | Gastric discomfort after eating |
Enteritis | Inflammation of small intestine |
Epilepsy | Episodes of confusion, spasms; can be caused by meningitis or head injury |
Epistaxis | Nose bleed |
Eruptive Fever | Could be measles or small pox |
Erysipelis | Contagious skin disease from strep virus |
Fibris Gout | Swollen and tender joints |
Fistula in Ano | Infection of the anus |
Gastritis | Inflammation of the stomach lining |
Gonorrhea | Bacterial infection of genitalia |
Hemoptysis | Spitting up blood; likely tuberculosis |
Hemorrhoids | Swelling and inflammation of arteries and veins in the anus |
Hepatitis | Viral infection of the liver |
Hydrocele | Swollen scrotum |
Hypertrophy | Enlarged organ |
Icterus | Jaundice |
Intermittent Fever | Usually malaria |
Jaundice | Yellow skin caused by liver; could be malaria or hepatitis |
Laryngitis | Inflammation of the throat caused by virus or bacteria |
Lumbago | Lower back pain |
Meningitis | Inflammation of the brain |
Morbi Cutis | Measles |
Mumps | Viral infection of the parotid gland |
Nephritis | Inflammation of the kidneys |
Neuralgia | Headache |
Orchitis | Inflammation of the testicles caused by virus or bacteria |
Otalgia | Ear ache |
Otorrhea | Ear drainage |
Parotitis | Mumps |
Phthisis Pulmonalis | Tuberculosis |
Pleuritis | Pain in the chest when breathing |
Pneumonia | Inflammation of the lungs |
Pyaemia | Blood poisoning; often fatal |
Remittent Fever | Usually malaria |
Rheumatism | Inflammation of joints and muscles |
Rheumatic Carditis | Pain in the heart and joints with fever; occurs after a strep bacterial infection |
Rubeola | Measles |
Scabies | Infestation by skin mites |
Scorbutus | Scurvy |
Sick Headache | Migraine |
Smallpox | Contagious disease with fever and blisters |
Sore Stern | Sore throat; distemper — diphtheria |
Stricture | Narrowing of a passageway in the body |
Subluxation | Incomplete dislocation |
Syphilis | Bacterial infection that causes sores or rash |
Tetanus | Infectuous disease with high fever |
Tonsilitis | Inflammation of the tonsils |
Tuberculosis | Bacterial infection mainly in the lungs |
Typhoid Fever | Bacterial infection caused by contaminated food and water; fever and diarrhea |
Typhoid Pneumonia | Specific type of pneumonia |
Ulcus | Ulcers of the skin |
Variola | Smallpox |
Vulnus Sclopeticum |
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