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Joel P. Atwood, Company C
Killed at the Battle of Waltham Junction, May 16th, 1864, Joel P. Atwood, of the 51st Regt. N. C. T., Clingman’s Brigade.
Young and ardent, impelled by no motive but honor and zeal for the Southern cause, he has fallen, like many other noble spirits of the day, in the front rank of soldierly duty. He is gathered to his rest but not to his people. J. P. A. was a native of a Northern State, where his parents still reside. He came to North Carolina about six years ago, and until the commencement of hostilities, resided at Magnolia, Duplin County, where his amiable qualities endeared him to all his acquaintances. His fidelity to the Confederate flag is now sealed with his life-blood, and surely “greater love than this hath no man,” that he lay down his life for the cause he thinks right. The report of his death will be a severe trial to his bereaved parents; but “God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb,” and may it prove, at least, a mournful consolation to that grief-stricken family to know that their son leaves behind him the record of a gallant young soldier, a comrade well esteemed, – a name unsullied by reproach in the social circle of which he had been an ornament; in short of a young man whose memory will always be fondly cherished by those, and they were many, who had the opportunity of knowing him best.
–Wilmington Journal, 23 Jun. 1864
Killed at Drewery’s Bluff, May 14th 1864, Joel P. Atwood, while on a skirmish with the enemy, aged 18 yrs. He was a member of Company C, (Duplin Stars) 51st N. C. T. Though many weeks have passed since his noble and generous spirit departed from this earth, the wound is still fresh in the hearts of friends and relatives. He was ready at his country’s call to leave his pleasant home, with all its comforts, to share with others the privations of camp life. He was ever at his post; never known to complain or murmur. He was a brave boy and a true patriot.
-Fayetteville Observer, 31 Oct. 1864
William Averitt, Company I
Died of typhoid pneumonia, at the General Hospital, Wilmington, N. C., 29th Jan’y, Private Wm. Averitt, of Company I, 51st Reg’t N. C. T. This noble youth was one among the first volunteers who came out to aid in our great struggle for independence. He served as a private in Co. F, 24th N. C. T. for a few months, but disability caused him to be discharged, and he returned home where he remained until his health was somewhat improved. He again saw the necessity of his assistance and came out willingly to share the privations of camp life with his comrades and friends. He leaves a devoted father and affectionate mother, brothers and sisters, to mourn his loss. And while we deeply sympathize with his bereaved parents and relations, we can safely say his parents have lost a dutiful son and the Confederacy a willing defender.
–Fayetteville Observer, 9 Feb. 1863
Dougald A. Bain, Company I
DEATHS OF SOLDIERS. On Sullivan’s Island, near Charleston, Aug. 16, of congestion of the bowels, Dugald A. Bain, private of Capt. George Sloan’s Co., (I,) 51st Regiment, aged 19 years.
–Fayetteville Observer, 31 Aug. 1863
George C. Beasley
At Winder Hospital, Richmond, on the 25th of Oct. of wounds received near Richmond, about three weeks previous, while gallantly carrying the colors of his Reg’t, GEORGE C. BEASLEY, eldest son of Rev. J. M. and Maria Beasley, aged 25 years.
The funeral will take place at the Baptist Church, this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 ½ o’clock.
–Fayetteville Observer, 3 Nov. 1864
Alpha Blackman, Company H
DIED. At the same place [51st Regiment N. C. T. Hospital in Mt. Pleasant, S. C.], on the 17th inst., of secondary hemorage, Private ALPHA BLACKMAN, of the same Company and Regiment [Co. H, 51st North Carolina], a native of Columbus county, No. Ca., aged 27 years. Said disease was caused by a severe fracture of the right arm, “which rendered amputation necessary,” inflicted during the furious bombardment of Sullivan’s Island, on the night of the 1st inst.
–Wilmington Journal, 24 Sep. 1863
Elijah Bostick, Robert Carroll, George Groves, and Hubbard Merritt, Company C
They were all young men in the prime of life, of unblemished character, and bade fair to be men of usefulness to themselves and to their families; but alas, they have been cut down and all their future prospects have been blasted; they have fallen as martyrs to the cause of their country; their places in the Company are vacant and can never be filled by more patriotic or self-sacrificing men; their places around the family hearthstone is desolate; their cheerful voices that rang around the family circle is hushed forever; but it will be a soothing consolation to their grief-stricken parents to know that they died as a soldier would wish to die, fighting for the independence of their country and the protection of their loved homes from a ruthless foe.
–Wilmington Journal, 27 Aug. 1863
Solomon Boykin, Company K (resolution passed by officers of the 51st Regiment NCT)
WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God, in his divine wisdom, to remove from us our late friend and brother officer. . . . Therefore,
Resolved, That in the death of Lt. Boykin the country has lost a brave officer and a good man, who was always punctual to every duty.
Resolved, That while we bow with meekness to the blow yet we cannot but express our admiration of his many endearing qualities, both as a Christian and a Soldier.
Resolved, That we offer our humble condolences to the family and friends of the deceased, and while we mourn in common with them, over so good and brave a man, yet it is some consolation to know that our loss is his eternal gain. For
He died the death,
The noblest death of all –
The Christian’s and the Soldier’s.
-Wilmington Journal, 8 Jan. 1863
Evan Cain, Company K
DEATHS OF SOLDIERS. At the Wayside Hospital, Florence, S. C., on the 6th inst., of erysipelas, Erin Cain of Co. K, 51st Reg’t N. C. T.
–Fayetteville Observer, 19 Mar. 1863
Robert T. Cannon, Company G
Tribute of Respect. [by members of Company G]
WHEREAS, It has pleased the Alwise Providence to remove from our midst our much esteemed friend and fellow soldier, Private Robert T. Cannon, who died in the General Hospital, Wilmington, N. C., of a congestive chill this morning [June 18, 1863]. Therefore,
Resolved, That in the death of our fellow soldier, Robert T. Cannon, his company has sustained a lamentable loss, the country a true friend and patriot, and his family a kind, provident and affectionate member.
Resolved, That we deeply lament the loss of one so highly esteemed by all.
Resolved, That we tender our sincere and heartfelt condolence to his bereaved parents.
Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be sent to the relatives and friends of the deceased, and a copy to the Wilmington Journal for publication.
–Wilmington Journal, 2 Jul. 1863
John Lucas Paul Cantwell, Field and Staff
Col. John Lucas Cantwell, veteran of two wars, honored citizen and soldier, one of Wilmington’s oldest and most beloved of men passed away shortly before the stroke of last midnight at his home No. 814 Princess street.
The end came peacefully at 11.40 o’clock with all members of the family at his bedside. He had been sinking for several hours, but had retained consciousness almost up to the last moment. His passing was as if into a long sleep, a smile upon his countenance and his features giving no sign of regret or emotion other than that deep resignation which was always one of the characteristics of his long and useful life in yielding to the inevitable and the voice of his Master. Col. Cantwell had been in declining health for several years, due more to the infirmities of age than to other causes, and it was only his remarkable vitality that spared him to the family and loved ones for so long a time as he had lived. Up to the last he was bright and cheerful, never murmuring, never complaining; tenderly devoted to his family and to The Six Hundred of which he was a beloved and honored member until the last. The news of his passing will be received with infinite regret everywhere he was known.
Col. Cantwell, while a man of the strongest convictions upon all subjects, never hesitating to express an opinion nor to defend a position, was yet genial and kindly and made friends of all who came within the range of his strong personality. Possessed of a high sense of honor, urbane and military in his bearing, he stood among his fellows a type all too rare in this last generation. His presence and his influence was an inspiration to youth in whom he ever took the kindliest interest. He was singularly devoted to the Confederacy and the city in this decade has lost no more valuable citizen in this regard. He made friends of the close and lasting kind and hundreds and hundreds in all walks of life will today mourn the loss of this good citizen and friend.
Col. Cantwell was born in Charleston, S. C, and would have been eighty-one years of age on the 29th of this month. He joined the famous Palmetto regiment of South Carolina and valiantly fought the battles of his country when a mere youth during the Mexican War. Returning to the East, after the close of this conflict, he located in New Orleans for a few years and served as a drug clerk there through three yellow fever epidemics, coming to Wilmington in 1851 and engaging in business, which was soon interrupted by another call to arms in the bloody conflict between the states from 1861-5. On the 28th of April, 1858, Col. Cantwell married Miss Kate Theodosia Calder, a sister of Mr. William Calder, of this city, of this union there are now surviving an only son, Mr. Robert C. Cantwell. She passed away in 1863, and after the war, on April 20, 1869, Col. Cantwell married a second time, Miss Kate Theodosia Blou[n]t, of Woodville, Miss., and she with three daughters and one son now survive, having the tenderest sympathy of a host of friends here and elsewhere in the great sorrow that has come to them.
As one of “The Immortal Six Hundred,” placed under the fire of the Federal fleet during the Civil War on Morris Island and later starved almost to death at Fort Pulaski, he compiled a roster of that band of patriots and the original is now among other valuable papers which he has left. He, with his brother, the late Edward Cantwell, was one of the founders of the Wilmington Light Infantry as first sergeant and was seven times its captain. Until his death there was no more devoted friend of the local organization than Col. Cantwell, and there were no extremes to which the young men of his command would not go for him.
Col. John Lucas Cantwell, of Wilmington, a veteran of two wars, was born at Charleston, S. C., Dec. 29, 1828. From 1844 he resided in Columbia, S. C, until the beginning of the Mexican war, when he enlisted as a private in the Richmond Rifle Guards, Capt. William D. DeSaussure, which became Company H, of the Palmetto regiment, Col. Pierce M. Butler. Mustered in at Charleston, Dec., 1846, he served in Mexico with Gen. Scott, participating in the siege of Vera Cruz and the battles of Contreras, Cherubusco, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec and other engagements until discharged at the City of Mexico on account of disabilities due to three wounds received at Cherubusco. He left the Mexican capitol in the same Wagon train with Gens. Quitman and Shields, Nov. 1, 1847, and returned to his parental home at Charleston.
“He received three wounds in the battle of Cherubusco and after reaching the City of Mexico, when the war was virtually over, he was discharged on account of disability caused by these wounds.”
On Dec. 21, 1909, this true and gallant old. soldier, a true member of the Immortal Six Hundred Society, closed his eyes in death. Peace to his ashes. He is now safe in the arms of Jesus he trusted and served
-J. Ogden Murray, Minutes of the Immortal Six Hundred Society, 1910
Robert J. Carroll, Company C
Among the gallant, generous heroes who have offered themselves upon the altar of Southern independence and have nobly perished in the cause of Southern freedom, is sadly yet gloriously the name of Robt J. Carroll. . . . The tidings of his fall sent excruciating pangs to the hearts of many relatives and devoted friends. They are consoled by the reflection that he perished nobly in a noble cause. All honor to the gallant young man who perished for our defense.
-Wilmington Journal, 6 Aug. 1863
Charles Carver, Company I
He was a faithful soldier, and was beloved by all who knew him. We can truly say that his comrades had lost a devoted friend and the Confederacy a brave defender.
-Fayetteville Observer, 19 Jan. 1863
Addison W. Clark, Company H
He was only in his 16th year, but well grown, weighing 165 lbs. when 15 years of age. He was a promising youth, and had the good will of all his acquaintances, both young and old.
-Fayetteville Observer, 25 Aug. 1862
Stephen J. Cobb
The funeral of Col. S. J. Cobb took place at the Baptist church on last Friday at 11 o’clock a.m. and probably one of the largest funerals ever held in our town. The services were in charge of his pastor, Rev. J. L. Jenkins assisted by the pastors of both other churches, Rev. J. E. Berryhill, pastor of the Presbyterian church and Rev. H. B Porter of the M.E. church, also Rev. Wm. Ballard of Rowland, one of the former pastors of the Baptist church here and one of the Colonel’s true and devoted friends.
Rev. Mr. Jenkins in the outset said he would not attempt to preach a long sermon as he did not think it necessary and was sure the deceased would not prefer it, that we all knew him and the life he lived among us could speak it better than he could tell it. The words of his text were “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints”. He first spoke of him as a man stating he had only known him one year, but that he was a man that was highly respected and esteemed, a man whose word and honor were above reproach – and yielded an influence of high order. His faithfulness in the church won for him a place of high value. By precept and example he discharged every duty devolving upon him and bore willingly and patiently this work in the Master’s service. He was an official of his church, holding the position of deacon, which office he had occupied for several years, and had served as superintendent of Sunday school for a number of years; was a man who lived in accordance with the doctrines of his church. Had been a member of the Baptist church for nearly 30 years.
Mr. Jenkins also spoke of him as a soldier, but space forbids much of the details, only that he was a true, brave soldier-and had a most wonderful mind and could interest most anyone along that line. He was 75 years old and we know of no more active man of his age. He will be greatly missed by his devoted loved ones and friends. He had planned to go to the Jacksonville reunion and had ordered a new uniform of gray to wear, which served as his shroud, and appeared quite natural and comfortable.
He has gone to his reward and we sorrow not without hope. We laid his body to rest in Parkton cemetery at 12 o’clock May 8 surrounded by a very large concourse of friends and relatives. An appropriate male quartette was rendered while the grave was being filled by Messrs. Berryhill, Jenkins, Porter and McCormick. The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful more than covering the grave. The pallbearers were: active, Neill McNeill, J. A. Cashwell, W. L. Stanton. A. H. Perry, O. Stanley, M. F. Hodges; honorary, J. A. Wilder, Jno. R. Brown, Rev. W. S. Ballard, O. L. Johnson, W. L. Thames, Dr. D. Hughes, M. Wright.
The Robesonian, 8 May 1914
Alexander Elliott, Company K
1st. Lt. Elliot was from Cumberland County, and eldest son of John Elliot, Esq., aged 27 years. He was an excellent officer, a perfect gentleman, and a true friend. His loss is deeply felt. Our noble Elliot fell with his face to the foe while gallantly cheering his men on to victory.
-Fayetteville Observer, 20 Jun. 1864
Duncan C. Evans, Company D
In the hospital at Wilmington, Jan’y 28, Private Duncan C. Evans, a member of Co. D, 51st Reg’t, aged 28 years, 1 month and 28 days, leaving a widowed mother, a twin-brother and two sisters to mourn their irretrievable loss. The subject of this notice was a young man of no ordinary worth. In all his social relations he so conducted himself as to win the esteem and friendship of all his acquaintance. He was always ready to perform the duties that were required of him. He was modest, unassuming and possessed all those qualifications that are requisite for a true soldier and a good citizen. He will be missed by the Company to which he was so long and ardently attached, and in the family circle, where his true character and merits were best known and appreciated. May He who does all things right pour the oil of consolation in the bosoms of his bereaved friends.
J. R. McD. [Captain James R. McDonald, commander, Company D]
Camp Whiting, Feb’y 12th, 1863
–Fayetteville Observer, 5 Mar. 1863
William W. Evans, Company G
Died at the Marine Hospital, Wilmington, N. C., June 28th 1863. He had typhoid fever and was 19 years old. He was from Brunswick County and was a member of Company G, 51st N. C. T.
–Wilmington Journal, 6 Jul. 1863
Rabon J. Ezzell and Payton Merritt, Company B (Tribute of Respect by officers and men of Company B)
Resolved, [T]he Company has lost two brave and gallant soldiers.
Resolved, That we who have witnessed their courage and daring tests on the field, will ever cherish their memory, and though we mourn the loss of those who by their bravery and punctuality to duty, were endeared to the officers and men of this company, yet our grief is greatly mollified by the fact, that we know they died at the post of duty, and in the maintenance of the cause of Southern independence, and sealed with their life’s blood their devotion to their country.
-Wilmington Journal, 6 Aug. 1863
William P. Floyd, Company E
DEATHS OF SOLDIERS. On the 2d May, in the N. C. Hospital, in Petersburg, W. P. Floyd, of Co. E, 51st N. C. Reg’t, in the 19th year of his age.
–Fayetteville Observer, 2 Jun. 1864
William P. Frink and Nathan Little, Company H (Tribute by officers and men of Company H)
WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God, in his providence, to take from our midst our friends and fellow soldiers, privates Nathan Little and Wm. P. Frink, therefore be it
Resolved, That we very sensitively feel the loss of our friends, Little and Frink, who were always at their post and ready and willing to do whatever duty assigned to them.
Resolved, That we deeply sympathise with the families and friends of the deceased, of the heavy loss they sustained, at the bereavement of their beloved friends, for they have not only been dutiful as soldiers in the defence of their country, but are also known to have been faithful and good in their respective functions as husbands and fathers. By their upright and meritorious conduct they gained the goodwill and well wishes of all who knew them in camp and at home.
Resolved, That by the death of these men the Southern Confederacy has lost two of its best soldiers, their families kind husbands and fathers, and the country good and faithful citizens.
-Wilmington Journal, 1 Jan. 1863
Robert Graham, Company D
Killed, on the 16th of June, near Petersburg, Va., contending with the enemy, Private Robert Graham, Co. D, 51st N. C. T., while gallantly defending his country from our insulting foe. Mr. Graham was from Robeson county, N. C. He was a true soldier and a perfect gentleman; was among many who left their homes without any one to care for them. He participated in the defense of Charleston under Gen. Beauregard. Since then he has been a great portion of the time in Va. He was in the fights at Cold Harbor, Bermuda Hundreds and Drewry’s Bluff. Then the enemy moved over to the South side, and in his advance on the town was met by our forces, among whom was our lamented friend. It is useless to say any more about his qualities as a soldier, as his comrades can testify to his daring and his unflinching disposition in presence of the enemy. He won the confidence of his officers, as well as his comrades in ranks. He was shot in the head, which caused almost instantaneous death. He leaves many friends and relatives to mourn their irreparable loss. But an all-wise Providence has seen fit to remove him from us, and we console ourselves with the hope that he is transferred to a better world, where we hope to meet again.
–Fayetteville Observer, 8 Aug. 1864
Henry W. Inman, Company E
Henry was a true and well tried soldier, having faithfully served his country for nearly three years. He participated in the battles around Charleston, S.C., and endured many sufferings without a murmur, but escaped unhurt till a cruel enemy’s bullet, freighted with death, winged its way and laid him low on the blood-stained field near Petersburg. He has left a sorrowing father and mother, brothers and sisters, and a sorely bereaved wife with three small children to mourn his early death.
-Fayetteville Observer, 29 Aug. 1864
Bryant B. Jackson, Company I
Died, in hospital at Charleston, SC, of brain fever, on the 10th inst, Private B B Jackson, of Co I, 51st N C T. Thus has our cause lost another noble defender. He volunteered in the commencement of the war, and served in the 20th Reg’t until bad health rendered it necessary for him to be discharged. He remained at home till February last, when he enlisted with Captain Sloan in the 51st Reg’t, where he was prompt to every duty. We can truly say to his parents, that they have lost a dutiful son, and to the Confederacy, a brave defender.
-Fayetteville Observer, 17 Aug. 1863
Ransom Jackson, Company I
Killed by accident on the Rail Road from Tarboro to Rocky Mount, N.C., 19th December 1863, Private Ransom Jackson, of Company I, 51st Reg’t N.C.T., a brave and good soldier.
-Fayetteville Observer, 21 Mar. 1864
Richard Johnson, Company I
He was a native of Cumberland County, and volunteered under Capt. Sloan in the 51st Reg’t, leaving a wife and three small children to mourn their loss. He was a professor of religion and said on his death-bed he was willing to die, for he was ready for death and judgment. He had a long and severe illness in Goldsborough, and left there with his father to go home, and traveled 16 miles; they stopped to tarry through the night with a friend, where death seized him for its victim.
-Fayetteville Observer, 20 Apr. 1863
William T. Ledbetter, Company I
Killed, near Gaines’ Farm, Va., by the enemy’s sharpshooters, on the 12th inst., William T. Ledbetter, aged 16 years and 3 months, a member of Co. I, 51st Reg’t N. C. T., formerly of Petersburg, Va.
–Fayetteville Observer, 20 Jun. 1864
Ezra Lennon, Company H
DIED. At the Hospital of the 51st Regiment N. C. T., at Mt. Pleasant, opposite Charleston, S. C., on the 10th inst., of Typhoid Fever, Private EZRA LENNON, of Company H, 51st Regiment, N. C. T., a native of Bladen county, N. C., aged 20 years.
–Wilmington Journal, 24 Sep. 1863
Thomas B. Lippitt, Company G

–Fayetteville Observer, 28 Dec. 1898
Gilbert G. Little, Company D
Gilbert F. Little, Co. D, 51st N.C.T. fell mortally wounded while charging Fort Harrison, Sept. 30, 1864.
–Fayetteville Observer, 16 Jan. 1865
Thomas C. Maultsby, Company H
DIED. At the residence of his father in Columbus county, N. C., on Saturday night the 14th inst., of typhoid fever, private THOMAS C. MAULTSBY, of Co. “B” 51st Reg. N. C. T., aged 19 years.
The deceased was a promising young man, and was well beloved by all who knew him. He leaves a great many relatives and friends at home, and a large circle of acquaintances in the Regiment to mourn his untimely death. -J. B. [Lt. Jacob Bamberger?]
–Wilmington Journal, 26 Feb. 1863
James B. McCallum, Company D
Lieut. Jas B. McCallum died on the battlefield of Drewry’s Bluff on the 16th of May, from wounds received 4 hours previous. He was a native of Robeson county, 2d Lieutenant Company D, 51st N.C. Reg’t, a graduate of the University of N.C., and for a short while a student in Columbia Theological Seminary, but he felt as if he was needed in the awful strife for independence and he left the peaceful walls of the Seminary to take his stand with others of N. Carolina’s brave sons to battle for his loved country. And nobly did he do his duty; he participated in the fight at Goldsboro, the assault of Battery Wagner, and the bloody battle of Drewry’s Bluff from whence his beloved God saw fit to call him from such scenes of blood and carnage to a bright celestial home above. Oh! it is heartrending to think of the many noble youths who have cheerfully given themselves to their country; but a nobler, truer, braver patriot has never lived the life or died the death of a soldier than the subject of this brief notice. It is certainly true that the ways of the Lord are beyond our understanding. Lt. McCallum was young, in the pride of his manhood days, and intended following his chosen profession (that of a Presbyterian Minister,) when peace should return to our troubled country, and with such a prospect of future usefulness it indeed seems strange he would be taken and others left. But let us not demur. The last letter he ever wrote was to his Mother, a few days before the fight in which he fell, in which he begged her not to grieve should he fall, as he hoped he was prepared to go. When he was last at home he selected a spot to be buried if he should be killed during the war—a beautiful place that in his childhood’s happy days was a favorite playground. Many a time has his happy joyous, ringing laughter rung out from beneath the same trees that now shade a hero’s grave; often in days gone by have his little feet bounded over the sod that now presses so heavily and mournfully upon his manly breast. What a sad, sad change between his boyhood days and his manhood days—his eye first beheld the light in a peaceful, happy and luxurious home; his first words were in answer to loving words of idolizing parents; the last object his lovely eyes rested upon were those of bloodshed and slaughter; his last words were “Boys don’t let the yankees whip you.” Oh, was it not a sad change! But let us place everything in the hands of the One he loved so well and served so faithfully, with the consoling belief that He doeth all things well; let us pray to Him to give us strength to bear our great affliction, and forgive us for the sin we have already committed by grieving so much for him. Let us ask ourselves the question: would we have him back here to undergo such hardships when we know he is resting from his long toil in his Saviour’s bosom? Oh, no! but lets us ask for grace to say “Thy will, not ours, be done.” We will now leave all that is mortal of him resting in his chosen spot, but
“Oh the sound of the clods as they fall on the tomb
Of someone whom our hearts hold most dear,
Must forever re echo with sadness and gloom
That will often demand a sad tear.” —Cousin.
–Fayetteville Observer, 16 Jun. 1864
Malcolm J. McDonald, Company D
Messrs. Editors: Permit a line in your excellent sheet to the memory of another martyr in the cause of freedom, Malcolm J. McDonald, a native of Cumberland county and a member of Co. D, 51st N. C. T. who fell at Battery Wagner July 18th. Like many other young men, he has fallen in defense of our sacred rights, and poured out his life’s blood on the altar of his country. Yet it comforts us to hope, that though he is dead and his precious body left to mingle with the dust on the “wavewashed shore,” his happy unfettered spirit is not there, but gone to unite with the just around the Throne in glory.”
–Fayetteville Observer, 20 Aug. 1863
Robert J. McEachern, Company D
DIED. In the North Carolina Hospital, at Petersburg, on the 21st instant, of a wound received on the 31st ult., near Cold Harbor, Capt. R. J. McEACHERN, Company D, 51st Regiment N. C. T.
–Wilmington Journal, 30 Jun. 1864
Hector McAllester McKethan, Field and Staff

Archibald S. McLean, Company E
He was a young man of high character, and was highly esteemed by all his comrades. He always performed his duty promptly, and the regiment has lost one of its most efficient men and the country one of its truest patriots.
-Fayetteville Observer, 1 Jun. 1863
Neill A. McMillan, Company D
Died at Camp Mangum, in Raleigh, a few days ago, Neill A. McMillan, aged 23, of Robeson county, of Co. D, 51st regiment.
–Wilmington Daily Journal, 22 Apr. 1862
Robert D. Melvin, Company I
Old Soldier Dead.
Robt. D. Melvin, an inmate of the Soldiers’ Home, died in Durham yesterday at 2 o’clock. He went to Durham about ten days ago to visit his sick nephew, and died suddenly of heart disease. He was 71 years of age and belonged to Company I, 51st N. C. Regiment.
His remains will arrive at the Soldiers’ Home today at 10:30 and the funeral will be held at 11:00 by Dr. Tyree. The interment will take place at the Confederate cemetery.
–News and Observer, 17 Mar. 1904
The clipping below appears on Melvin’s Find-A-Grave page, without attribution.

John Nunnery, Company I
DEATHS OF SOLDIERS. On the morning of the 2d inst., in General Hospital, at Wilmington, of Brain Fever, John Nunnery, private of Co. I, (Capt. Sloan’s) 51st Reg’t N. C. Troops, aged 22 years.
–Fayetteville Observer, 8 Sep. 1862
Nicholas Parker, Company B
At the Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Va., June 4, 1864, Corp’l N. Parker, Co. B, 51st Reg’t N. C. T., from a wound received in battle near Drewry’s Bluff, May 16. In his death the Company has lost a brave dutiful soldier, and his family a good parent and loving husband. He was of the first to yield obedience to the calls of duty, and has sealed his devotion to his country with his blood. None knew him but to love him. He leaves a wife and four small children, with a large circle of friends, to mourn their irreparable loss.
Now all his toils on earth are o’er,
His body in the grave doth rest,
Where he will hear the battle shout no more –
He dwells in Heaven among the blest.
He has bid adieu to earthly care,
To hardship and to pain,
And now prepare to meet him there,
Where dying is but gain.
Weep not for him, dear wife and friends,
He shed his blood so brave,
He lives where pleasure never ends-
His body fills a soldier’s grave.
–Fayetteville Observer, 30 Jun. 1864, 4 Jul. 1864
Isaac Parnel, Company C
DIED. At the Hospital, in the town of Wilmington, on the 20th inst., Mr. ISAAC PARNER, in the 30th year of his age. He was a member of Capt. Allen’s company, and had been in the service but a few weeks, but it pleased Almighty God to remove him from our midst. Isaac Parner, as a soldier, was willing at any time to do his duty when called upon, and the company feels that it has been deprived of an able and efficient soldier, and they hope that their great loss is his eternal gain; that though the company deeply laments and much deplores the death of brother Parner, yet we have to bow in humble submission to the will of God, and meekly bear the burden which he has placed upon us. Mr. Parner leaves a wife and two children to mourn after him.
–Wilmington Journal, 22 Apr. 1862
Willis H. Pope, Company E
Capt. Pope was from Robeson County and the only son of J.T. Pope, Esq. At the beginning of this struggle he was a cadet at the Charlotte Military Institute, N.C., but like many others, when he heard that the foe was treading the soil of Virginia, he deserted his Alma Mater and chose the tented field— participated in the engagement at Yorktown—a short time after which he was elected 1st Lieut. in a company from his own county. He fell with his face to the foe, proudly leading his company on to victory. It may be some consolation to his father, mother and only sister to know that he was not afraid to die, as he so expressed himself to me a short time after being wounded.
-Fayetteville Observer, 30 May 1864
Malcolm J. Porter, Company I
DEATHS OF SOLDIERS. On the 4th inst., at General Hospital, Summerville, S. C., of a wound received at Battery Wagner, Private Malcolm Porter, of Capt. Sloan’s Co. (I) 51st Reg’t.
–Fayetteville Observer, 17 Aug. 1863
Henry W. B. Prevo, Company A
Died at his residence in Randolph County, August 24th, of typhoid fever, Henry W. B. Prevo, of Company A, 51st N.C.T. He leaves a wife and four small children to mourn their loss.
-Fayetteville Observer, 14 Sep. 1863
William E. Pugh, Company C
William E. Pugh, of Sampson County, 51st Reg’t, died February 2nd, in his 44th year, from the effects of a ball through his bowels by the enemy near Bachelor’s Creek, about 10 miles from Newbern.
–Fayetteville Observer, 15 Feb. 1864
Ichabod Quinn, Company C (tribute by officers and men of Company C)
WHEREAS, it has pleased Almighty God, in the dispensation of his All-Wise Providence, to remove from our midst our friend and much esteemed companion in arms, Ichabod Quinn, who died at his residence, in Duplin County, on the 27th inst., of Typhoid Pneumonia. Therefore be it
Resolved, 1st, That by the death of brother Quinn, our Company and cause has been deprived of one of its ablest members and most ardent supporters, the community, also, in which he lived, of an obliging neighbor, and his friends of a kind and affectionate associate.
Resolved, 2d, That by his death, the hearts of his companions in arms have been filled with sorrow, and the loss which we have sustained is one which we will long feel. He leaves an affectionate wife and three children to mourn his death.
Resolved, 3d, Though the Company deeply lament and much deplore the death of brother Quinn, we have to bow in humble submission to the will of God, and meekly bear the burden which has been placed upon us.
-Wilmington Journal, 7 Aug. 1862
William E. Robinson, Company C (written by Lt. Col. William Allen, commanding 51st Regt. NCT)
The deceased was a noble soldier, never complaining of duty and always at his post. He was detailed as an orderly by me, on the morning of the battle and remained by my side during the entire engagement until the last charge, made late in the evening, when he received a wound from a grape shot, the ball passing through his bowels. His friends have the consolation of being assured that he died nobly, in defence of his country. Another brave soldier has past into eternity, to receive the reward of the faithful. I consider this tribute due his memory.
–Wilmington Journal, 8 Jan. 1863
Died in Goldsboro’, on the 31st of December 1862, Wm. E. Robinson, son of Wm. L. and Janetta Robinson, of Sampson county, aged about 19 years and 6 months. He was a volunteer in the 51st Regiment, Company C, N. C. Troops.
–The Biblical Recorder, 14 Jan. 1863
Albert O. Smith, Company B
In the hospital at Goldsboro’, N. C., on the 8th inst, Private ALBERT O. SMITH, of Company (B), 51st Regiment N. C. Troops, of a wound received in the battle near Neuse River Bridge, on the 17th day of last December.
Death has called from the ranks of his Company one whose place cannot be supplied, and whose devotion to the cause in which he fought, bled and died, could not be surpassed. It is seldom we have to announce the death of one so much esteemed by his fellow soldiers and all who knew him. He fell upon the battle field pierced through the leg by a musket ball, which had to be amputated. He bore all his sufferings with a soldier’s fortitude and a christians meekness. The deceased was about eighteen years of age, a native of Sampson County, where he leaves a bereaved father and many relations and friends to mourn his death.
Thou art gone, thou brave one,
Though young in years thou wert,
May the cause that thou didst die for
Be most sacredly sustained.
-Wilmington Journal, 22 Jan. 1863
Malcolm McI. Smith, Company I
FOR THE OBSERVER. Died on the Battle Field, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va., May 17th 1864, Malcolm M. Smith, of Co. I, 51st N. C. T., from a wound received in battle at that place May 16th. In his death the company has lost a brave and dutiful soldier, and his parents a loving son. Deceased had been a member of the Baptist Church upwards of ten years, walked in the fear of the Lord. He has left this world of trouble for a world of joy and peace. He died nobly defending his country’s cause. He had but a few weeks previous to his death returned from his home, where he had been on furlough to visit his family, whom he has left to mourn his untimely death. Weep not, kind father and mother, but strive to meet him in that better world where parting will be no more.
W. McD. T.
-Fayetteville Observer, 25 Jul. 1864
Thomas J. Smith, Company H
He was a good man—a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church—and had the assurance of a Christian in his dying moments. He leaves a wife and one small child, a father, mother and many near relatives, who with his companions-in-arms will greatly miss him at home and abroad.
-Fayetteville Observer, 8 Jun. 1863
James Stewart, Company D.
DEATHS OF SOLDIERS. In Robeson county, on the 30th ult., of bowel consumption, Mr. James Stewart, a private in Major J. R. McDonald’s Co., 51st Reg’t, aged about 50.
–Fayetteville Observer, 13 Aug. 1863
John L. Tew, Company K
At General Hospital, Wilmington, on the morning of the 16th inst., of bilious fever, in the 24th year of his age, John S. Tew, of Sampson County, a member of Company K, 51st Reg’t N. C. Troops. Again has death claimed another noble companion and good soldier from our ranks.
-Fayetteville Observer, 25 May 1863
Giles W. Thompson, Company E
Killed, while nobly discharging his duty at the head of his Company, in the action at Battery Wagner, July 18th 1863, 1st Lieut. GILES W. THOMPSON, Co. E 51st Reg’t N. C. Troops. He had the respect and confidence of his superior officers and was much beloved by his Company. Another pure and brave officer has fallen at the post of duty.
–Wilmington Journal, 30 Jul. 1863
Lines in Memory of my Brother, GILES W. THOMPSON, who fell charging the Battery on Morris’ Island, near Charleston, S. C., on the night of the 18th July, 1863.
Far away from Home he died,
In manhood’s bright and early bloom;
He was the idol of our hearts,
While away, and while at home.
My brother is dead, his loss I mourn,
And sorrow fills my breast;
His body fills an early tomb,
I trust his soul’s at rest.
“To tyranny I will not yield”
Oft-times I’ve heard him say;
And with the gallant first
He for his country hasted away.
But on a dark and lonely night,
Far, far away from home he died;
No sister there to bind his wound,
Or kiss his manly brow.
Cease, fond parents, cease to mourn;
Your boy to you can ne’er return;
But you to him may one day go,
Where streams of joy forever flow.
Weep not, sisters, weep no more,
Your brother’s warfare now is o’er;
Weep not, brothers, weep no more,
His slumbers shall be disturbed no more.
SISTER, ROSY B. T*******
–Fayetteville Observer, 17 Aug. 1863
Chester R. Vann, Company K
FOR THE OBSERVER. Died, 28th Oct, in the 35th year of his age, of fever, in the Hospital at Elmira, New York, Chester R. Vann, 1st Sg’t Co K, 51st Reg’t NCT. Another noble sacrifice has been offered upon the alter of our country. Though he fell not in the deadly conflict, yet the same honor is to be bestowed upon him who died away from home and its beloved influences, in the hands of a merciless and inhuman foe where was no fond wife to soothe his dying pillow, nor cherished friends to pay the last tribute due to the patriot and the martyr in the holiest cause in which freemen were ever engaged. In the death of Sergeant Vann his family has sustained an irreparable loss; from the roll of the invincible army of Lee the name of a dutiful and valiant soldier has been taken. But why weep for him, kind friends? He sought the pearl of great price, and he gave bright evidences of a change of heart. We are full persuaded that he has attained that inheritance which is “uncorruptible, undefiled and that fadeth not away.” Then lament no more, doting wife, bereaved children for him who we believe and trust has entered the upper sanctuary, the new and exalted Jerusalem, where the wicked cease from troubling and where the weary are at rest. Calmly and peacefully did he fall asleep in Jesus. “Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his.”
–Fayetteville Observer, 15 Dec. 1864
Duncan B. Wade, Co. K
Died at General Hospital, Wilmington, Sept. 10th 1862, of Typhoid Fever, Duncan B. Wade, aged 22 years, member of Company K, 51st Regiment N. C. Troops. He was born February 10, 1840. He was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church and was attended by a kind mother in his last illness. He was buried in Old Bluff Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Cumberland County.
–North Carolina Presbyterian, 11 Oct. 1862
Malcolm Wilkerson
Mr. Malcom Wilkerson, an old Confederate soldier died at his home a few miles above here last week. He was a member of Company E. 51st N.C. Regiment and lost a leg in the service. He was an honest citizen, a kind parent and a good neighbor, who will be missed in his community. His death imposes the fact that those who made the brightest page in Southern history are too rapidly passing away.
–Robesonian, 11 November 1902 (submitted by Tim Bradshaw)
John J. Wilson
At a meeting of the officers and men of co., B, 51st Regiment N. C. Troops. Convened for the purpose of giving some expression of feeling in regard to the death of private John J. Wilson. By motion of Capt. Bell. Lieut. Swinson was called to the chair, and Lieut. Herring was appointed secretary. On motion, a committee of three, composed of Sergt. J. R. Williamson, Sergt. H. L. Sandlin and Wm. L. Parker was appointed by the chairman to draft resolutions, to which committee, by additional motion of Lieut. Smith, the Secretary, was added. After a recess of a few minutes, the committee reported the following resolutions which were adopted:
Resolved, That the death of private John J. Wilson, co. B, 51st Regt. N. C. Troops, who died at his home in Duplin county, N. C. 15th July, the company has lost a good and faithful soldier.
Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to the decree of high heaven, yet we deeply mourn the loss of our friend and brother soldier.
Resolved, That we tender to the bereaved family of the deceased our heartfelt sympathies and condolence in the deep grief in which they are plunged, and while we have but little of this world’s consolations to offer, yet we recommend them to that God who will “comfort all that mourn, give beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”
Resolved, That the Secretary of the meeting transmit a copy of these resolutions to the bereaved mother of the deceased, and to the Biblical Recorder with a request that it be published.
J. E. Swinson, Chairman
T. J. Herring, Secretary
–Biblical Recorder, 12 Aug. 1863
Gary Wood, Company I
Died in General Hospital, Wilmington, on 24th August 1862, Gainey Woods of Sampson County, private in Capt. Sloan’s Company, 51st Regiment.
–Fayetteville Observer, 1 Sep. 1862
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